Census Data

Data Comparison

Clear all locations from comparison?

You need at least two locations in order to make a comparison!

Use the search, map or gazetteer sections of the website to find a location to compare. If you only pick one, we'll automatically compare it against the national average for the whole of England and Wales. Or pick two or more to directly compare against each other.

You can compare up to six different locations at once.

Absolute or percentage values?

Absolute values are best when comparing like for like values in equivalent locations. For example, if you want to see whether there are more people in one place than another, pick absolute values.

Percentages are best for comparing demographics across different locations. For example, if you want to see which area has a higher proportion of large houses, pick percentages.

censusdata.uk is a Good Stuff website Wed, 15 May 2024 15:42:38 +0100